Sunday, April 28, 2019

April Adventures - Day 27 & 28

I had quite a drink stash when I had breakfast Saturday morning. The coffee wasn't that great, but the rest was! The muffin was pretty tasty too!

Also got to see one of my friends there. She and I met at the retreat 8 years ago, and since then our group has grown to 6 of us. She and I were the only ones there this year though.

Our bags chillin' by the pool with us while we were temporarily homeless after we checked out. 😉 I love that we coordinated our pillows and bags unintentionally. John picked us up when it was over, and home we went. I received a package from a friend when I got home. It was a fancy pregnancy pillow! That thing is so comfortable. John has dubbed it my "nest". 


I realized about mid way through today, I forgot to take any pictures. The brief bit of sunshine this afternoon was really nice! It also made me sleepy, so I ended up taking a nap.

It inspired me to make some good ole fashioned lemonade.

It was delicious! And gave me some motivation to get some straightening done so hopefully tomorrow we can do laundry. I was hoping to watch some Star Trek this evening, but I got side tracked and started working on a pile of books I accumulated while I straightened earlier.

Friday, April 26, 2019

April Adventures - Day 26

I got my bags packed and ready to go to the ladies' retreat today!

John said goodbye to Eddie more than he said goodbye to me. 😉

I was dreaming about this iced coffee yesterday! I was trying the new Pistachio Almond Fudge flavor, and I really like it!

Auntie loves her little buddy. She was hugging us and I had to take a picture of her hands.

The evening session was about Isaiah 61:3b:

"That they may be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified."

I also got this adorable "Up" hat for Eddie. Now we (Mom and I) are watching a bit of baseball (nothing else good on TV) and then heading to bed.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

April Adventures - Day 25

I snapped a picture of Leroy with John's phone today since his phone camera is slightly better. He was out enjoying the green leaves that are budding. Pretty sure I've heard him calling for a mate as well. John was having lunch to catch up with one of our pastors today, so I spent some time with God and then started a movie. It took me all day to finish it, but I wrote more about it down below.

We had a check up today and all is well! 

I needed to return this tomorrow, so I finally sat down and watched it. It was really good! Definitely not for kiddos, but the adaption was pretty good. John actually sat and watched some of it with me while we were eating dinner. About 20 minutes towards the end, he couldn't take it any more and gave up. Haha!

We ran over to the Don Juan Cafe to get some dinner today. Their food is so good! Neither of us felt like cooking, and since we had stuff to do today, we decided it was just a good idea to not cook. I have a feeling they'll be a good go to when Eddie comes and we forget to grocery shop. I had John snap this picture when we were waiting to pull out as the bush was just so pretty! It may be gloomy on the forecast coming up, but spring is definitely here! Remember, April showers bring May flowers!

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

April Adventures - Day 24

33 weeks today! I found this analogy funny. 😉

My friend came over today and helped me make my wedding album! She asked what I wanted for my birthday, and since I knew she'd be visiting, I suggested she help me with that since I would've given up about 20 minutes into the project!

We also made brownies about an hour or two into the project. That was our lunch actually. Fruit and brownies, haha!

Our mess across the living room floor.

But we finally finished it! And I'm so happy how it turned out!

And we even got a picture together!! Can't wait to see you again!

I scheduled my road test before we left for bible study. I drove us there today, and had 3 people pass me on a double yellow. I was going the speed limit! That was slightly nerve wracking to say the least.

Got the bump picture for the week. John says that I'm huge now, haha! Today was a much better today, and I'm so thankful for that. Coffee, fellowship, brownies, and all that definitely helped. And I have a couple brownies left, so that's exciting! 😏

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

April Adventures - Day 23

I did a bit of picking up this morning. Not nearly as much as I wanted to do today, but at least all the gift bags are organized and ready to go for the next birthday to arrive.

Unfortunately in my gung-ho cleaning before Bible study, I, um, forgot something that should be on that key ring. Yup, I forgot my keys. And then about 5 minutes after that, I realized I had also left my water bottle inside. Thankfully when I got home (since no one was there when I popped over before I left) someone was in the office so I could borrow the key to get back in.

I also checked for the mail that came in yesterday, and got a belated birthday card! It made my day better! Until I accidentally dumped a good deal of John's lunch down the sink after volunteering to make it. I then sent myself to bed and took a couple hour nap which helped a bit.

John also made me breakfast in bed for dinner because I didn't feel like getting up. So I've pretty much done nothing else since other than getting myself a second pancake and some yogurt. I think I'll call it a day shortly, and hopefully tomorrow will be better! And who knows, maybe I'll actually finish straightening my dining room since it kind of exploded slightly. But I did remember to mail off a bill, so I'm proud of myself for that!

Monday, April 22, 2019

April Adventures - Day 22

Today I dove into the lemons John picked up for me the other day. I had been wanting another option for something to drink so he picked up lemons for lemon water/lemonade.

I also went through a bag of things my grandma gave me yesterday. I'm so excited to make these! I loved them as a kid, and I had asked her for the recipe a while back. She had thought she lost it but came across it one day! That's my weekend goal as I'm out of brown sugar and may need to get shortening unless I can substitute butter since I have plenty of that.

She also had some yarn that I needed for a baby blanket I wanted to make for someone. Look at the size of this skein of yarn! I put my hand next to it for a size comparison.

I also made myself a pancake with fruit for lunch. After using this syrup recently, I realized it reminds me of the Karo Pancake Syrup that I had as a kid.

I wanted to enjoy some of the sunshine, but since I've burned recently, I made sure to apply some sunscreen. I read a book and enjoyed my water while waiting for John to come home. We spent a quiet evening together, and he made me a delicious steak. He has gotten so good at it. This might have been better than the last one, and that was the best yet! My grand plan for the evening was to watch some Star Trek and work on the blanket.

But I forgot about my grand plan and ended up watching YouTube while I worked on it. I've been watching some art channels, and now I have this urge to making some sort of art piece. Oops! Haha, I do need to do a coat of paint on a basket I have so maybe that will satiate this creative desire. I'm not much an artist to begin with. At least in the paints/drawing sense. Now it's time for some ice cream and bed!

Sunday, April 21, 2019

April Adventures - Day 21

I woke up just before John this morning, so when he stirred enough awake, I offered to make him some breakfast since it would be a long morning. He wanted eggs and toast, so I used some of the french bread for that and made myself an egg sandwich.

We went to church with my family and both sets of grandparents today. One of the songs we sang this morning, (Because He Lives by Bill Gaither) made me think of Eddie and his upcoming arrival:

"How sweet to hold a newborn baby,
And feel the pride and joy he gives;
But greater still the calm assurance:
This child can face uncertain days because He Lives!"

We also got to see 3 of my sisters get baptized today!

I was so proud of them to take this step!

I can't wait to see what God has in store for them.

 After Church we went over to John's grandparents for dinner. Eddie also got an Easter basket, haha! There are some clothes underneath the toys as well as some bibs. the rainbow stacker is really cool! I've never seen it before, and may need to give it a test drive before he can use it. 😉

After enjoying some cake that his sister and cousin made, we headed home. I was so tired I laid down for 3hrs before deciding I was hungry again. And since I was hungry, I figured I might as well blog while I eat. All in all, a wonderful way to celebrate the risen Savior with family!

Saturday, April 20, 2019

April Adventures - Day 19 & 20

Friday morning, I attempted to catch a picture of Leroy, the bird who has been stalking my house. I hadn't been able to identify him but by the time I clicked the button, he was gone. He is an Eastern Phoebe from the searching I've done.

John went grocery shopping for us. So glad to be back onto our regular shopping schedule!

He also picked up some mandarins that had an impostor. 😉 

My sisters came over for lunch and games. Little did they know that out of town friends would be coming over and they'd get to see them briefly!

My friends came to spend the night to catch up, and relax, etc. The girls enjoyed playing Clue with them before they had to go home.

After they left, we spent a good part of the evening re-watching some videos we had put together over the years.

My picture of them on the sly! Haha!

After one of them went home, and one of them decided to go to sleep, 3 of us decided we needed muffins after midnight. So muffins we made! Well, they crashed my kitchen and I just hung out and told them where to look for ingredients. They were sooo good! I'm actually eating the last one as I write.

We had a nice quiet morning, just eating and talking. Food is always important! Again, picture on the sly. Hehehe!

This evening we went over to my family's for my sister's birthday. I also got to stop in where I used to work and say hi briefly to the owner. It was nice to see her!💙

Sully was happy to see me as well!

And here is the birthday girl! She was really excited about the books John and I got for her. I did forget her birthday card AND the sherbet, but, that's okay, lol! Could've been worse. Which reminds me I should set that with my purse so I can bring it tomorrow. All in all, a really nice weekend! Looking forward to going to my family's Church tomorrow and seeing most of our grandparents as well!