Friday, August 31, 2018

Happy Blue Shoes

I was ecstatic the other day to throw away the sneakers I had for 3 years and get new ones! Half price, my size, comfortable (I always have a hard time with finding comfortable ones), and a unique texture sold them for me. Oh, and hubby approved! 😉 

"As they left the shop, Mma Ramotswe made amends and told Mma Matuski that she really thought the blue shoes were very beautiful. There was no point in disapproving of a purchase once the deed had been done."
~ "Blue Shoes and Happiness" by Alexander McCall Smith

Today as I was walking to the library with a couple sisters, I looked down and remembered the book by Alexander McCall Smith, "Blue Shoes and Happiness". Thinking about it, I was struck with the fact that I had happiness just because I had new blue sneakers. It wasn't a bad thing to have, and after the other pair was completely worn out, it was rather nice! (It also made me realize that I need to pair down on regular shoes so I feel justified with the number of dance shoes I have. 😉)

"Well, that's the important thing, isn't it Mma? To feel happiness and then to remember it."
~ "Blue Shoes and Happiness" by Alexander McCall Smith

It'll be a good reminder, whenever I glance down at my feet, to find something in my day that brings a smile to my face. Whether it's a pair of blue shoes, a passing butterfly, bubbles created by doing dishes, a hubby who falls asleep while rubbing the knot in the back of your leg from too much dancing, or simply a glass of iced tea.

Find something today that brings a happy smile to your face!

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Character Building

Life has been hectic the past few days. This verse, along with another I'll share, has been with my recently.

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 ESV

Thursday morning I woke up to my power going out. Having this happen once before due to work going on in the complex, I went back to sleep. After 2hrs pass, and I've had my breakfast, I decide to investigate. A notice is on our door! 

The summary, we've faithfully paid our bills, but the former tenant was no longer paying hers (because we now live there). They turned it off, not realizing we lived there and have been paying.

John is at work so I text him. And wait. And wait. Because he is a good person who doesn't text on the job. I go outside with my book and continue to wait. As I sit there under the tree, I spotted a quarter. This may not seem like much, but it was almost buried completely. 

Picking it up, I'm reminded that God will provide. Even if we have no power for the time being, God will provide.

And He did! 

John texted back that he and his mom were going to start looking into it. After an extremely long day of phone calls and faxing on their end, everything was sent in! We had dinner with his mom & sister, deciding we would rough it with a flashlight the next night. 

I don't think I slept. Usually my lovely sweet dear husband's snoring is blocked by noise. Nope. It was dead silent. Having no power the next morning, we got the food from our fridge and freezer (mournfully tossing ice cream away), and took it to her house.

And here we've been since. I'm so thankful for her help through this all. And for God's continual encouragement to John and I. During my devotions the first night we were here, I read this:

I thought it summed up this trial quite well. It has been character building for us. We've learned a lot, grown in a few ways, and have been able to spend time with family. And cats. Although they ignore me, which is annoying. 

So tomorrow our prayer is that our power will be back on. It's been so nice to spend the weekend with his family, but I'm sure they'd like their house back as we've taken some of it over. 😉 And someday we will look back and laugh on it all! But to be honest, I already have! It's wildly funny (and if it had been last week, could have been disastrous with our vacation)!

All in all, it's another step of faith, some character building, endurance, and hope. And where would we be without the latter?

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Marriage is....

Marriage is...

...laughing together after a long day.
...waffles and bacon.
...a chocolate milkshake made with Byrne Dairy chocolate milk and chocolate ice cream.
...laughing at oneself for being surprised by all the languages in the blender's user manual. 
...being thankful to end a day with your best friend at your side. 

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Books, Bookshelves, and Order in the Home!

I posted a hint of what was up in the Schairer Chalet on Facebook the other day.

Voila! A new bookshelf! This has all sorts of children's literature: the Laura series, Anne of Green Gables, story books, the Borrowers, and other classic children's books!

Preparing for sorting! Which of course led to finally organizing and distributing the books throughout the house. It took all evening, and finally it's organized!

The shelf by the door! A shelf is for my purse, sewing kit, bug spray, sunscreen, and Narnia books.

Jan Karon, books about the Von Trapp family, dictionary, thesaurus, Monk, and Star Trek.

Classics and other older books.

Christmas and dancing!

Kids books!

Color spectrum organized Bible books. I wasn't sure how I wanted to try and sort them, so I figured this works well for now. Plus I usually remember a book by it's cover, and yes, sometimes I even judge one by it.

Color spectrum organized novels,


and color spectrum organized young adult books (with a couple children's that are sacred and need to be in a safe place).

Non-fiction books.

And of course, my pièce de résistance

All in all, my bookshelves are happy, my book loving heart is happy, and the order in the home has arrived. Don't you love a nice bookshelf?

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Cultivating Dreams

Sometimes you need to take time in your day,
to cultivate the dreams of someone else.
Maybe you have done what they are trying to accomplish,
or maybe you are supportive because you love them so much!

Either way,
take time in your day
to cultivate the dreams
of those around you.
And maybe in the process,
you'll rejuvenate a dream of your own!

Thursday, August 2, 2018

The Schairer Chalet

Welcome to The Schairer Chalet!

We recently got married on June 2nd of 2018. I (Moriah) shall be the main blogger, but John shall pop on every now and then. (Shh! He doesn't know that part yet! 😉)

Life has been an adventure the past two months, and now that life is beginning to hit a bit of a rhythmic pattern, I'd like to blog again. As my other blog, Home on the Erie Canal, was basically during my high school years, I thought a fresh blog would be nice!

I'd like to write about our faith, adventures we have, anything, and everything! Sit back, enjoy the ride with us, and don't forget some popcorn! (That's my new favorite night time snack...cheese and avocado come second.)

Thanks for stopping by!