Thursday, February 28, 2019

February Photo-A-Day - Green

My favorite green scissors on a green belly bump while working with some green yarn. I guess I am looking forward to spring coming and getting outside more! I know we still have a few weeks, and I absolutely love winter, but I am looking forward to a change of pace. I can't believe it's already the end of February! The year is flying, and there is still so much that'll happen that we know and don't know about. Looking forward to what lies in store for us. 💚

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

February Photo-A-Day - Young


Hard to believe that we are 25 weeks along, and have approximately 15 more to go! Then we will have a young wee rascal to take care of. Eddie has been very active the past few days despite my cleaning efforts! This is one of the few things we've bought so far, and I absolutely love it! It is newborn size but feels a bit big, so he might not fit it right away. I adore the boats on the onesie and the adorable overalls that came with it!

“I love these little people; and it is not a slight thing when they, who are so fresh from God, love us.” 
― Charles Dickens

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

February Photo-A-Day - Pointed, In Half, and Friends


Percy Whiskers, our ladybug friend, gave me a very pointed look for leaving him when we returned Sunday evening. He had been left in charge of guarding the house and took it very seriously. I felt bad for abandoning him, so by 8pm, John, myself, Percy, and Pikachu were all fast asleep! I ended up sleeping 12hrs that night and another 3 for a nap!

"In Half"

Because we were so tired from our weekend, on Sunday we stopped at Cracker Barrel for some home-cooked food. I enjoyed some of the leftovers and split my cornbread in half so I had "more"! I was dreaming about it on the ride up, so it was a nice date on the way back. John also nicely shared some of his fried shrimp to go with my fried haddock, fried okra, and my favorite salad there!


I have amazing friends, y'all! One of them sent me homemade cookies in the mail! They came in yesterday and they are so yummy! I was not expecting a package on such a blustery day, but the USPS is amazing! Mmm...enjoying a couple of them right now.... 💜

Saturday, February 23, 2019

February Photo-A-Day - Reflections


Enjoying the reflections of the trees in Schroon Lake. This is basically the only section not frozen solid!

Friday, February 22, 2019

Thursday, February 21, 2019

February Photo-A-Day - Scared of...

"Scared of..."

I've always had two main fears in life. And of course a few "minor" ones like the fear of heights. One was to drive. The other to give birth. I always felt "behind" because I've taken longer to learn to drive then everyone else. But as I kept telling myself, when it was time for me to learn, I'd pick it up in a snap. Recently, I felt quite compelled to learn. One, because I'll need it once Eddie is born. Two, because I felt that if I could conquer one of my biggest fears in life, I knew deep down if I could conquer the one, I could conquer the other. So John and I began planning for the best method of attack for this. I'll need to get a new ID when I turn 21 in a few months anyways, so let's plan to kill two birds with one stone! With no school this week for John, we made a plan to go out every day we could to get some intentional practice in. Within 4 days, I went from practicing in a school parking lot (which was interesting with the snow to say the least) to driving myself (and John of course) to my OB appt this afternoon! That was the first time in the entire history of ever that I voluntarily offered to drive to AND from some place. Needless to say, I am very very very thankful those who were praying about this, and that I know I'm not that far from a license. Now if only I can figure out backing out of and backing into parking spaces. 😉

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

February Photo-A-Day - On My Plate

"On My Plate"

John has been working on his cooking skills, and made a fabulous steak for me this evening! I topped my mac n cheese with some honey mustard and Tuscan chicken seasoning since it was just boxed mac n cheese from Wegmans. Their spiral boxed mac n cheese is our FAVORITE. It tastes good, the texture is amazing, etc! SO good! I think we make special trips to Wegmans now for it since most everything we get at Aldi's now.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

February Photo-A-Day - Everyday I...

"Everyday I..."

Well, not every day but for the past couple we've been in the middle of a Scrabble game, haha! We aren't stuck, just got interrupted yesterday I think and then it's just been waiting patiently for our return. Which is fine with me because I've got to figure out where to effectively use my "Q" as I've been off a space from most of the bonuses this game. He did really well the first game, so we did a rematch as he was in the lead until the very last few plays! So we shall see how the rest of this game goes....S

Monday, February 18, 2019

February Photo-A-Day - Favorite Candy

"Favorite Candy"

I couldn't think of an edible candy, but yarn is definitely my favorite eye candy!! I love walking down yarn aisles for projects. I was recently gifted more yarn so now I'm dreaming up some new projects like maybe a Star Trek inspired baby swaddle! I shall keep you posted on if and how that goes. I'm also wondering if I have enough yarn for another baby project I started so we will see if I do...if not, I guess to the store to eye and buy my favorite candy! 😂

Sunday, February 17, 2019

February Photo-A-Day - Eyes


Eddie received a valentine from one of his many Great Grandmas and Great Grandpas! Still haven't named our little friend yet, well not so little, but you know what I mean. But who can resist those eyes? Or that smile? He's been my bug buddy all evening! Haha! I told John that I'm just keeping him close by for Eddie as he is quite cuddly. 😉

Saturday, February 16, 2019

February Photo-A-Day - Broken


With party prep yesterday, my eating was thrown off my typical routine. Today, I felt like I was just trying to catch up all day. I was starving! It was like my routine had been broken and my body wasn't sure what to do. After constantly eating today (or so it felt) I was still hungry. So I did the most logical thing, and cleaned my linen closet and bathroom closet. 😆 I guess I thought it would help me think of something filling to eat. Finally, John and I came to the brilliant conclusion to go to Cracker Barrel at like 9:30pm. I joked with him that it felt illegal to go out to eat so late. And thanks to the lovely people at Cracker Barrel, I had a hot meal and I finally feel full for the first time all day! Now to climb into bed and sleep happy. (We weren't their last customers...a family came in right around the time we left lol!)

Friday, February 15, 2019

February Photo-A-Day - A Challenge

"A Challenge"

For over a month now, we've had quite a challenge. Between my sisters, my dad, and everyone who knew about the secret, we had to keep it a secret! The challenge? Throw mom a surprise party!

My sister came up with the idea back when John had his Christmas themed birthday party, and has been patiently waiting till now to have it. It was a lot of fun, and I'm glad we could do it for her!

Definitely also hit a record and had 21 people in our apartment at once. Got a little crowded when it was time for dinner, but that's half the fun! Her birthday isn't until next week which helped keep it a surprise I think. All in all, a good evening!

Thursday, February 14, 2019

February Photo-A-Day - I Love...

"I love..."

~ I love getting housework done.
~ I love going to the dentist. (Such a romantic way to spend the day, am I right? But seriously, I do!)
~ I love running errands and getting $0.50 ice cream cones for the first part of dinner.
~ I love seeing a great deal on fresh fish and trying my hand at frying it for dinner! Mmm, I floured it slightly and fried it with butter and garlic salt. One side got accidentally over-salted (it came out too fast) but definitely will do again!
~ I love ending my day with working on the blanket for Eddie and watching Star Trek. Can you tell I've been on a Star Trek kick again recently? So much to watch though!

February Photo-A-Day - In the Sky

"In the Sky"

John and I watched 2 of the Star Trek movies with his mom while we did laundry. 2 more to go and then we shall move on to Star Wars. Although, I'll continue watching Deep Space 9 so don't worry, I'm still on the Trekkie side of sci-fi. 😏 Though with the amount of starships invading my dreams recently, I may need to start checking the sky for them as well. 😉

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

February Photo-A-Day - Warmth


It was chilly outside today. So much so, I actually opted for a long sleeve shirt. Usually I'd overheat, but it just seemed to be a bit colder today. I had a lovely warm pancake for my second dinner this evening. I'm feeling like a hobbit with first dinner and second dinner, etc. Although it may be cold, I'm still enjoying my nightly smoothie. Eddie must like it as he is the most active that he's been all day. He must have been hunkering down today too. I've almost finished the making aspect of the big blanket. Just working on the edge around it. I got it almost done, and then had an idea of how to make it better, so here's hoping there is enough yarn! By my calculations (although they haven't been very reliable recently) I should. So we shall see!

Monday, February 11, 2019

February Photo-A-Day - Entertainment


My main entertainment today was piecing together the squares. I first needed to get make them into strips. I've joined three of the strips together so far. I'm getting excited with the progress although I know the hour (or several) is drawing near in which I need to tie in all the loose ends. Most likely, I'll tie in the ends on the travel blanket first, and then the big one. Can't wait to show you guys when it's all finished!

Sunday, February 10, 2019

February Photo-A-Day - Loud


The most "loud" part of my day, would probably be the dilemmas of Deep Space 9 while my feet were up for the day. It took me a long time to watch the first 1 1/2 seasons of DS9, but now that I've gotten back into it, I've been enjoying it immensely. It gave me motivation to finish the "filler" squares in Eddie's blanket so I can begin to piece it together. Last night I was able to piece the travel size blanket together, so it just needs a little more work and that'll be finished.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

February Photo-A-Day - Starts with T

"Starts with T"

Finally sat down and read this after having it out from the library two or three times since it came out. It was really good! I enjoyed having a quiet morning with Mma Ramotswe today. 

“What else do you need in life, Mma? You have a fine husband—which is one of the most important things that anybody can have.” 
― Alexander McCall Smith, The Colors of All the Cattle

“Life happens, she thought; whatever we do, life just happens.” 
― Alexander McCall Smith, The Colors of All the Cattle

“Tea, thought Mma Ramotswe – no matter what was happening, no matter how difficult things became, there was always the tea break – that still moment, that unchangeable ritual, that survived everything, made normal the abnormal, renewed one’s ability to cope with whatever the world laid before one. Tea.” 
― Alexander McCall Smith, The Colors of All the Cattle

Friday, February 8, 2019

February Photo-A-Day - Circles


This had the most circles in our apartment, so I decided to go with this. My sister wanted to make me a painting for my apartment, so when she came and stayed with us over the summer, she made this canvas for me. I love it! I now have art from the other sisters to hang in the middle room. Just need to remember to put them up one of these days. 😊

Thursday, February 7, 2019

February Photo-A-Day - Up High, Down the Road, & Furry Friend

Behind a few days due to needing rest so I didn't catch John's cold, and making sure he got better from it. 💜 Thank goodness he has! And so far, I think I've avoided it.

"Up High"

The pine tree line I passed today had a distinct wet pine smell that was akin to camping in the Adirondacks. It smelled heavenly!

"Down the Road"

Down the road I went today for a walk to get some fresh air before it rained like it currently is doing. Although I must say, listening to the rain is quite lovely at the moment!

"Furry Friend"

Thanks to the camera on John's phone, I was able to take a decent picture of Harold. I think he is one of the "well-stocked for winter" animals in the area as he has been chasing off a few other red squirrels, and even a grey squirrel! I'll miss seeing him when everything is green again in the spring.

Monday, February 4, 2019

February Photo-A-Day - Straight


I guess my head wasn't on straight today so when I began to make a salad for lunch, the spinach seemed to be on the verge of going bad. So I asked John's opinion on it. Well, first I asked him to sort out whatever was good. I called it "spinaching". Alas, it was bad. Good thing I didn't eat it! I still really wanted a salad, so I ended up having a salad minus the greens. Avocado, blueberries, clementine, broccoli, and a shredded carrot. After I took the pretty picture, I also had a little bit of buttermilk ranch. My head not have been on straight today, but I sure did make a yummy lunch!

Sunday, February 3, 2019

February Photo-A-Day - Where I Sit

"Where I Sit"

Stacks of squares and yarn to make more reside next to my current favorite seat. It was my favorite for a while, and then when Christmas came, it was the couch, and now it's back to being my favorite. Slowly but surely working on squares for a baby blanket for Eddie. Used up some bits of yarn and now I'm working my way to bigger skeins. All in all, I think it'll be cute when it's done!

Saturday, February 2, 2019

February Photo-A-Day - Frozen


Many yummy frozen things in the freezer, especially after we went grocery shopping! I would've taken a picture of something frozen outside, but as it made it to 32*F today, and I had been debating if it was warm enough for going without my coat, I don't think it really would've worked for "frozen". 😉 Although not pictured, I also bought some fresh blueberries as well today so I may just have to have a few with breakfast or lunch tomorrow. Or maybe I'll make a salad and put some on! And have some with breakfast too. The possibilities for blueberries are endless! All though, I feel that they have been making my smoothies taste chocolatey. I haven't put my finger on why. Maybe I need some chocolate-covered blueberries....

Friday, February 1, 2019

February Photo-A-Day - Winter


After being "cooped up" with the cold weather, I was itching to go out! But it's too cold for me to go take a walk, so I asked John if he wanted to go on a date to the mall to just get out and walk around for a bit. And bonus! It's warm! So we dropped off my huge reading stack off at the library, and then headed over. We oohed and ahhed over baby boy's clothes. I've discovered Carter's has the cutest in the baby boy department. Then we found a new board game store and started talking to one of the employees there. Also spotted a few games we might want to get. And of course, we spotted yet another Uno game to add to our collection. I told John maybe for Valentine's day? 😉 We like romantic gifts, haha! Then he tried the world's hottest pepper in the hot sauce store next to that. It's been on his bucket list for a while so that was fun. Although, I'm glad I carry water and snacks with me so they helped cool him down a little bit. I believe he has now tried all 4 of the hottest ones on the Scoville scale, but don't quote me! After that we went to the Cheesecake Factory since we had a gift card. We got a couple appetizers to split, and ended up taking a third of it home! We wandered through one more baby section of a store, stopped off at his mom's to get some kitty time, and then headed home. All in all, a good date night! Albeit, it was cold!!!

January Photo-A-Day - Day 31

"Take a Flower"

It's hard to believe that a year ago, we were planning flowers and such for the wedding! And now, we are planning stuff for Lil Eddie! 💙

“It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.” 
― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.” 
― Mother Theresa

“Time is the longest distance between two places.” 
― Tennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie

How did it get so late so soon? It's night before it's afternoon. December is here before it's June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon?” 
― Dr. Seuss

“The years teach much the days never know.” 
― Ralph Waldo Emerson