Wednesday, October 31, 2018

October Photo-A-Day - Day 31


Now, normally biscuits aren't spooky. But today, after craving them, and remembering the last disastrous time I baked, I was a little scared to attempt it. I'm so glad I did. As you can see, I already ate half of them! I was joking with John that this baby is gonna be a southerner. For about a week, I couldn't get enough fried chicken and chicken pot pie. Now, its biscuits and mashed potatoes. What's next? Green bean casserole? 😆

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

October Photo-A-Day - Day 30


This is the closest thing I've wanted to candy recently. I had a dream this afternoon in which I was promised a caramel brownie sundae. My family ended up getting fast food, so I had to wait. After taking our luggage to the car, John said we could go get the sundae. On the way, we ended up at my grandparents and we were invited to dinner. I never got my sundae. So as soon as I woke up, John and I ran to Byrne Dairy and got some well needed ice cream.

Monday, October 29, 2018

October Photo-A-Day - Day 29


I've been loving this white, grey, and black shawl that has been perfect this fall! I've been using it almost every day since I found it in my closet. Not sure how it escaped use before, but I'm sure glad I found it! Perfect for chilly mornings and chilly walks outside.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

October Photo-A-Day - Day 28


Christmas is around the corner!! After sleeping half the day, John indulged me by going out for a few things. Something I wanted to get was a wreath for Christmas, so when I found these supplies, I decided to make one myself. I also got some wrapping paper so presents don't accidentally get seen. I've also been indulging in Christmas music the last 48hrs! favorite holiday!

Saturday, October 27, 2018

October Photo-A-Day - Day 27

"In Your (my) Hand"

Parenthesis are mine. My book supply from the library was piling up and some were due early next week, so I did some reading. I read a cute kids novel about 5 kids trying to renew their lease in Harlem because they've grown up there and don't want to leave despite what the landlord wants them to do. I also read a novel by Alexander McCall Smith that was good. It took place in WWII. And lastly, I flipped through some fairy tale books from the British Isles. I didn't read them as deeply as I wanted to, but they were fun to look at.

Friday, October 26, 2018

October Photo-A-Day - Day 26


Yet again, more food. Beef ramen has been amazing. I could just drink the broth and ignore the noodles. In fact, I usually do. 😆 I asked John to get some on the way home as we are nearly out. I told him if he wants ramen, eat the chicken stuff we have, I don't want it. 😆 Thankfully he is good with that. 😉

Thursday, October 25, 2018

October Photo-A-Day - Day 25


I love my new denim dress. It has been so comfortable to wear. I'm hoping it'll last through the next few months. I've been feeling better than I have the past few days, so I'm thinking I may wear it tomorrow as a "Hooray! Things are improving!" Let's hope I stay that way. 😉😁

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

October Photo-A-Day - Day 24

"Store Bought"

These were a life saver today. Thanks to my hubby who picked them up on the way home from work. Nothing beats saltines and ginger ale when you don't feel good.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

October Photo-A-Day - Day 23


I wasn't feeling well today, so after sleeping all morning, I spent the day with some old Doris Day movies. One of them I had never seen before and found to be quite funny! After getting tired of Doris Day, I ended the day with The Princess Bride. I hadn't watched in a long felt so short!!!

Monday, October 22, 2018

October Photo-A-Day - Day 22


I knew immediately what I wanted to take a picture of! I love John's has a few different color combination which makes it quite fun. I believe there are different colors for his mouse as well. Something fun for an otherwise normal every day object!

Sunday, October 21, 2018

October Photo-A-Day - Day 21


So I was talking to the Rubber Duckies who you may know from our wedding, and they have an announcement regarding our family! We're expecting! That's right! I'm due in June. We are very excited! One of my sisters reacted with, "YOU WHAT?" and fell over onto a couch. Haha!! Any ways, we are looking forward to this new chapter in life. And I've already been experiencing the joys of nausea, food aversions, and food cravings. Thank you to my amazing hubby who waited in line for 20+ minutes yesterday because they ran out of chicken pot pie at KFC. Looking forward to share this next journey with you!!

Saturday, October 20, 2018

October Photo-A-Day - Day 20


I immediately thought of my shower curtain when I read today's prompt. I love the kitty pattern on it! Makes it easier since we each went from houses of three cats to no cats at all. I miss my fuzzballs! I was going through old photo albums yesterday and came across pictures of the cats, along with a tour of my house that ran into all three of them. I suppose I am due for visit to see the kitties. Who cares about seeing the family? 😉😃

Friday, October 19, 2018

October Photo-A-Day - Day 19


"Oh no, I forgot to take a picture for today!"
"Take a picture of an outlet then."
"Take a picture of that lamp over there."

And so, here is a post about being thankful for electricity after having the lack thereof this summer for a week. Thank you electricity people! It is amazing to have!

Thursday, October 18, 2018

October Photo-A-Day - Day 18


Here is one of my few pieces of Star Trek memorabilia. This little version of the Enterprise resides in my china cupboard on my shelf with pretty glassware. I've been watching through the different series in order of air-date, and am now in Deep Space Nine. Thoroughly enjoying myself! John and I enjoy Star Trek so much that we went and saw a replica of the sets for the ship above on our honeymoon!

(Slightly jealous that his picture turned out better than mine!😉)

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

October Photo-A-Day - Day 17


Well, drink. I made a cup of tea today and went outside to enjoy it. It was chilly, and the gathering place in front of the apartment was damp, so I walked over to the gazebo to enjoy it. It began to sprinkle as I walked back so I stood on the stoop to watch the light drizzle and wind. After looking at the maples out front yesterday or the day before, and then seeing them today, it was interesting to see how the tree is slowly changing color. 😊

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

October Photo-A-Day - Day 16


More specifically, "Word". This is the word that I have been reading and meditating on through the Psalms. The thought of dwelling with God every day has been a great encouragement and I've enjoyed studying a different verse every day.

Monday, October 15, 2018

October Photo-A-Day - Day 15


Shadows are simply the absence of light. Here is a picture of my water bottle/mason jar. Unedited. Taken in color. Yet light and the absence thereof is plainly evident. Made me think of this verse:


"But we have this treasure in jars of clay, 
to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us." 

2 Corinthians 4:7 ESV

Sunday, October 14, 2018

October Photo-A-Day - Day 14


Since I didn't see a lot of family today, I thought I'd share these photos from the wedding. I love how they turned out! It'll be nice to get to know both sides better in the years ahead.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

October Photo-A-Day - Day 13


I'm not sure what my hubby is pretending to be in his costume, but he sure looks fantastic! The polka dots make the beard majestic beyond comprehension. *insert slight sarcasm here* Maybe he is a sleeping pirate?

Friday, October 12, 2018

October Photo-A-Day - Day 12


Snack time! Grapes I found in the fridge, trail mix, and delicious apple cider. I love apple cider season! It was one of our "splurges" when we went grocery shopping earlier.  Good thing we got a gallon as it is going quickly between myself, John, and my sister. I also splurged on myself and got some trail mix with banana chips in it, after fondly discussing them with my friend the other day. 😊

Thursday, October 11, 2018

October Photo-A-Day - Day 11


On the way to the library, after showers on and off all day, we were greeted with majestic clouds! Hints of pink were spattered along the horizon. It was quite beautiful! All and all, a great trip to the library. I got some books by Patricia MacLachlan that I hadn't read before. Her books are sweet and wholesome. Highly recommend all of them!

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

October Photo-A-Day - Day 10

"Black & White"

When I woke up this morning, I walked into the dining room and noticed the sun shining brightly in the living room! It was lovely. Glancing towards the kitchen, I noticed the sun hitting the glasses and milk bottles on the counter. It looked quite beautiful upon the counter. The sun didn't last long, so I'm glad I woke up when I did. 😊

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

October Photo-A-Day - Day 9


Not sure how to take a picture of my own phone. I considered a screenshot, but what's the fun in that?

Besides, with a screenshot, you don't know that I have a Samsung. 😉

Monday, October 8, 2018

October Photo-A-Day - Day 8


I didn't know today's prompt was morning until this afternoon. So I made breakfast for dinner for myself as John wanted leftovers. Eggnog season is here!!! Hurrah!!! I tried the french toast recipe on the side of the eggnog carton, and topped it with pancake syrup (my sweet hubby bought the fake stuff instead of the real stuff by mistake) and some marmalade! I know it's apple butter season, but I've been loving marmalade. It's been a long time since I had it. I guess I'll just have to extend apple butter season!

Sunday, October 7, 2018

October Photo-A-Day - Day 7


I wasn't feeling well yesterday, so I spent today recovering. 🙂 My king sized snuggly blanket was a perfect choice. Perfect for reading!

Saturday, October 6, 2018

October Photo-A-Day - Day 6


Upon returning from Rochester, our canvases we ordered had arrived and were waiting for us! I love how they both turned out. Tomorrow we shall hang them up! 😊

Friday, October 5, 2018

October Photo-A-Day - Day 5

Today was "you". 

So after forgetting to take a selfie with my sisters, and then with one of my "adopted brothers", I opted for a picture in front of Buffalo Wild Wings having gone there for the first time ever. 😊

Thursday, October 4, 2018

October Photo-A-Day - Day 4

"In the Air"

Humidity is in the air. Here it can't decide if it should mist, rain, attempt to be sunny, or all the above. It does feel quite nice out though! This is looking up out our spare room into the trees. Even though we are still high up in our "rainforest" outside, the trees still tower even higher. I love it! In the spring when we came to look at it, it wasn't much to look at. Once the leaves came out, I dubbed it my rainforest. Is rainforest one word or two? Spell check says two, I've always thought it to be one....

October Photo-A-Day - Day 3

In between dreariness, I went outside for the next prompt:

"Look Down"

My toes are the color of mermaids. If mermaids had toes. I think the name of it is actually "Bubbling Brew" but it looks more mermaidy. The maple trees are changing out front so I went to investigate the colors. They are going to be vibrant when they're fully changed!

(Would have posted this yesterday but I went to bed with a migraine.)

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

October Photo-A-Day - Day 2

Today was "car" and as it was down-pouring most of the day, I thought outside the box. This little car was a birthday present for my 16th birthday from my parents. He has faithfully sat in my shadow box every since. He enjoyed a bit of a drive today and saw that the leaves behind our apartment are beginning to turn! I personally love it out behind our house. Where we are, it feels like we have a rainforest behind our house! Can't wait to see it aflame in color! Or delicately draped with snow....

Monday, October 1, 2018

October Photo-A-Day - Day 1

I thought for the month of October, that it would be fun to do something every day. So I went searching for a photo-a-day challenge!

Day 1 - Homemade

This is my lovely homemade applesauce! My plan is to make more tomorrow. Behind these three are two more plus some in the freezer. Still have half a laundry basket of apples to go!


Here is the photo-a-day challenge that I found to use. 😊

Country Roads

When it came to picking a song for the first dance at our wedding, I had a couple ideas. Eventually we decided on "What a Wonderful World" played by our good friend on the piano. You can see him in the second picture. The first time I heard him play it, I just about cried during a Christmas show we were doing. The song has traveled with me through life, showing up during important times, such as my first dance on pointe shoes!

It was a beautiful song! We didn't have a song that was "ours", so it was a great choice! Sometime around then, we began to listen to the song by John Denver, "Country Roads". I had watched an episode of "Love Boat" in which Donny Osmond's character sings this song to honor his mama. It's the most beautiful 2-part episode in the series that I've seen to date. I related this story to John, and went to find the song again, and it was gone! 

We began to listen to the version by John Denver. Quickly, it became "our song"! We listen to it several times a week, usually in the car. When we went camping in August, I was in an antique store when I found the record album above! I was ecstatic! Of course, I had to buy it so we had our own copy to play on a good ole fashioned record player. 😊