Wednesday, May 1, 2019

April Adventures - Day 29 & 30

Monday, I finished most of the books in my reading pile so I could return them. We also did laundry (yay!) which was nice. I wish I could say I also snuggled with kitties all day, but they pretty much ignored me for their fancy cardboard box house that you see in the background. This was the only picture I took all day, oops!

But the same thing happened for Tuesday, as this was the only picture I took all day. I was finishing a carton of eggs up and realized that there was a bible verse in there!

"This is the day which the Lord has made;
Let us rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalms 118:24

It made me oddly happy to see that in there. Looking back now, I should've keep that close as I got overly stressed that evening and ended up putting myself to bed earlier than usual. Sleep does wonders for that by the way. As does showing your husband your to-do list and then realizing 2/3 he can do for you. Thanks for taking that for me, honey! 💙

And so concludes, my April Adventures. I had considered doing a May series but I think I'll give up for now as the next couple months is going to be busy. So I'll stick with more random postings.