Monday, December 31, 2018

December Photo-A-Day - Day 31


Having a board game night with the hubby to ring in the New Year! We were hoping to have friends over this evening, but it didn't work out. So we are enjoying a nice rainy night at home. We've only ventured out for ice cream (mmm, Byrne Dairy's Grasshopper Pie with Vanilla Cream Soda for a float!). Happy "Mew" Year, everyone! 💜😻

Sunday, December 30, 2018

December Photo-A-Day - Day 30

"Your Winter Wonderland"

When I went to bed last night, there was not a single flake of snow on the ground. I thought about the irony of today's photo prompt and gave up much hope for fulfilling it. John woke up first, and peeked out the blinds this morning:

"Oh look, Harold's out there!" he said as he headed out of the room
I stayed in bed, not bothering to go see my furry friend. Mindlessly I scrolled through Facebook. Someone had posted about snow?! I jumped out of bed and looked out the window.
"You didn't tell me it snowed!!!" I said rushing into the living room.
"It did?"

Sigh. I love him, haha!!

Saturday, December 29, 2018

December Photo-A-Day - Day 29

"Sky View"

It was prettier when I first woke up this morning and snow was falling. After my nap, the snow was nowhere to be seen. Spent a very quiet lazy day at home. Worked a bit on my puzzle I got for Christmas. Who ever thought that a solid blue sky was a great idea should be fired, haha! It took me forever to finish the sky. Especially since I got most of the ground finished last night when I pulled it out. 😏

Friday, December 28, 2018

December Photo-A-Day - Day 28


A combination of Christmas presents and a wedding present are the perfect thing to hang on the wall where we'll put the baby's bed in our room. I'm hoping to hang them up one of these days as I'm very excited about them! The picture frame with the "clock" has hands to position to mark when the baby is born. The song lyric is from our first dance at our wedding. And of course, Joshua 24:15 is a good verse to remember. 💜

"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
~ Joshua 24:15

Thursday, December 27, 2018

December Photo-A-Day - Day 27

"Night Time"

Curled up on the couch with the hubby tonight to watch "Star Trek: The Motion Picture". First time watching it for both of us, and we enjoyed it! I want to get back into watching Deep Space 9, so I figured watching some of the Star Trek movies would get me back into it. Plus, I want to see them! Definitely getting the next couple out when I return this. All in all made for a nice quiet evening at home. 💜

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

December Photo-A-Day - Day 26


16 weeks today! Grateful to be feeling better than when I was in the first trimester. Looking forward to finding out if it'll be a boy or girl within the next month or so! My sister claims I don't have a bump, but she's crazy. 😂

December Photo-A-Day - Day 25


John and I spent a lovely "First Christmas" morning at home. I woke up bright and "early" so I got out of bed and put breakfast in the oven to bake while I got the eggnog and sparkling grape juice (so delicious!! I claimed the rest of it!) out. When breakfast was nearly done, I woke him up so we could dish it up and eat while we opened each other's gifts. It was nice because we had time to try out a couple games we got before we headed out for the day. I got him "Ticket to Ride: New York" which a nice fast-paced taxi version of "Ticket to Ride". All in all, a lovely First Christmas! 💜

Monday, December 24, 2018

December Photo-A-Day - Day 24

"Favorite Part of Christmas Eve"

This was a hard choice, but as I had only one picture from today, I went with this. When we set off for the day, you would have thought that John's jeep was Santa's sleigh! I mean, come on! It's even red! We spent the day visiting grandparents and family, saw old friends, and then ended the night together playing a couple new card games while listening to records. I think we are going to start a tradition of opening stockings Christmas Eve. He got to open the one for the baby, and they were a little pair of socks (the size of his big toe) with soccer balls. I knew how much he loved soccer in high school, so I couldn't resist getting them. I think if we continue the tradition of opening stockings on Christmas Eve, it may very well become one of my favorite parts of Christmas Eve! (Not to mention, it helps take the edge off the anticipation of waiting to give him his gifts. I know I only have a little longer to wait, but it's so hard!)

Sunday, December 23, 2018

December Photo-A-Day - Day 23


I wore my Christmas dog scarf once I got home from Church. One of my coworkers gave it to me last year upon discovering my love for Christmas. I might actually end up wearing it for Christmas since I love it so much. We shall see!

December Photo-A-Day - Day 22


(I'm posting this for yesterday, but writing from today's perspective)

7:30am, wake up for no reason. No alarm, not hungry, but Christmas music immediately fills my head! As I lay there trying to go back to sleep, I'm immediately filled with giddiness for the sole fact that tomorrow is Christmas Eve! I toss and turn and manage to get a little more sleep, but the whole time, I'm just day dreaming (and dreaming) about Christmas. I know things change as you get older, but one thing I've tried to do was keep the love of Christmas in my heart. I keep it in my heart all year round! That's why I listen to the music throughout the fall. That's why I love to shower people with gifts. The mere fact that at 20yrs old, I can wake up and be giddy about the fact that tomorrow is Christmas Eve, fills me with joy! I look forward to celebrating with family and friends, giving gifts, and remembering why Jesus came. All this to say, I'm looking forward to the next couple days, to the new traditions we start as a growing family, and the old ones we cling to from our own families. As it is, I can taste Christmas breakfast'll be a hard wait for another 48hrs. 😉

"I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year."
~ Charles Dickens

Friday, December 21, 2018

December Photo-A-Day - Day 21


✔ Presents bought
✔ Gifts wrapped
✔ House cleaned
✔ Laundry done

A peace has filled our little home and I'm happy. I know not every Christmas (or ever again) will all be done by now, but I'm going to relish the peace of today and the next few days. Presents have been organized by household, etc. I don't need to think about laundry until after Christmas. All this done to now remember and have time to remember why we are celebrating Christmas. When we first began to prepare, my bucket list had "getting a larger Nativity scene" on it. Now? I don't think I want to. The little glass Nativity under our tree has been perfect. (And movable for watering said tree.) It's simplistic, carries a memory, and shows the 3 Wise Men giving gifts which is one of my favorite things to do! I encourage you all to find just a moment to pause and reflect on the season. Even if you still have a busy weekend of shopping, wrapping, cleaning, and laundry, pause and remember why we are celebrating the birth of Jesus! 💜

Thursday, December 20, 2018

December Photo-A-Day - Day 20

"Tree Topper"

Growing up, my secret wish was to inherit the tree topper on my family's tree. When I realized it would never happen as mom particularly loved it, I looked for my own. I knew it would be hard to find one remotely close to my mom's, but I kept that hope alive. One Christmas, I went to the antique store in Jordan, NY. Then I found it. A nearly identical angel! The only difference was that the wings were slightly smaller than mom's. I bought it and put it in my hope chest, excitedly waiting for the day I could put it on my very own tree! 💜

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

December Photo-A-Day - Day 19

"Candy Canes"

I was enjoying the Christmas lights on the way home this evening and spotted some lovely candy canes! Inedible of course, but that's fine with me. I might need one just because this season although I won't mind if I don't. The lights were so pretty and made me smile. Farther along the road, someone else must have been inspired to have candy canes in their yard as they did as well. Love Christmas lights! I'm always disappointed when they begin to take them down after Christmas. :)

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

December Photo-A-Day - Day 18


Adapt is a new word in my vocabulary. I feel as if I've been doing that quite a lot recently. I had to adapt last week in my plans for Christmas presents. Back in Nov, I thought it would be a great idea to make scarves for my friends in Bible study. Morning sickness and time got the better of me, and I realized the other day that I had 5 days to complete 4 scarves. Yeah, that wasn't happening with my busy schedule. I remembered I had some pieces from a failed blanket I attempted to make for John for Christmas. I pulled them out and realized they made perfect Christmas stockings! So I adapted and whipped them up over a couple evenings. The pièce de résistance was when I found pre-strung jingle bells for the toes. I accidentally made one or two more than I needed so I think I might upgrade the stocking I have for the baby this year that is about half the size of this one. It needs to be big enough for the present I got to put in it. 😉

Monday, December 17, 2018

December Photo-A-Day - Day 17


Took the last two elves out Christmas shopping today. They found some fun gifts for the family. I'm kinda curious as to what they and John found for me as the gift is oddly shaped. Ah, well only a week till Christmas so I think I can wait that long. I took a couple pictures of them but the other one with the flash is blurry so this was the best I got today. Good thing our tree doesn't require a lot of watering because it's slowly becoming engulfed in a sea of small packages. It was definitely fun, especially when one has a game plan for everyone. Makes it go "buy" so much faster. 😉

Sunday, December 16, 2018

December Photo-A-Day - Day 16

"Outside Christmas Lights"

We saw these lovely lights driving home from church this evening. I love the carolers singing to welcome those who travel into Baldwinsville. I don't think I've see it at night, so it was nice to enjoy.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

December Photo-A-Day - Day 15

"Favorite Holiday Song" 

When I think of Christmas the song that fills my head is Carol of the Bells. I am much more into faster paced music and while the sweet melodies of Christmas are nice I can never get over the intensity of this song. I could listen to it for hours.  

By- John Schairer

Friday, December 14, 2018

You Leapt in my Womb - A Poem

I sat next to the Christmas tree, using the beautiful light to read my advent devotional. As I sat there, I began to think about the memorial service I went to today, and I was led to write this poem. I'd like to share it with you all.

"You leapt in my womb,
of this I am sure,
when they carried the earthly body
of a Godly saint out the door.

We were celebrating the many ways
this sweet lady touched us all.
She was a lady of poise and grace,
always with a smile on her face.

When the memorial service was through,
we stood to honor her life.
Standing there still, I felt a wiggle,
you were leaping with life.

The timing uncanny,
but in my heart I pray,
that you, my little one
learn her legacy, nay,
learn why she has such.

She loved the Lord,
as I pray you will too.

You leapt in my womb,
of this I am sure,
you joined in the celebration,
of a life well lived."

December Photo-A-Day - Day 14

"Christmas Tree"

When I saw today's prompt, I got annoyed temporarily. Y'all have seen our tree, so why post yet another picture? Then I remembered that I hadn't posted our little tree! I took a paint bucket I was using for storage to keep it upright as it has a finesse for falling over. The ornaments are each special on the little tree. I have my pewter Nutcracker ornaments that I got at Bailiwick last year. We also have some "stained glass" ones my Grandma and I colored when I was little. There are a couple that were various ones I must have made over the years and one I got at Church a long time ago. A few are actually meant for a mini tree and have been also used as dollhouse toys. The last one that stands out is a little beaded Scottie dog. My grandparents took some college students from China under their wing, and I received it as a gift from one of them. They spent time with them and celebrated "American" holidays with them while they were away from home. It will always stick in my memory how they loved them like their own family. 😊

Thursday, December 13, 2018

December Photo-A-Day - Day 13


We went to my family's this evening to finish prep for our dance shows next week. 95% of the costumes are set, shoes ready to go, a top hat has been fluffed, and cowboy hats found. I must confess, I went with the flow and let a couple of them choose their Irish Step gillies to wear as they want to wear them before they outgrow them. A fair point, and they are always fun to wear, so I gave in. (Reluctantly at first but then I figured, who cares? They're happy and adorable!) After all the costumes were sized, sorted, and ready to go, they got to watch the original "Miracle on 34th Street" with Maureen O'Hara and John Payne. Even the cat, Gillie, joined in the fun and offered her furry rump as a pillow for the movie. It's such a classic fun Christmas movie! We even popped some popcorn to go with it!

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

December Photo-A-Day - Day 12

"A Beautiful Sight"

We (my sisters and I) made cookies today. It was honestly more disastrous than I expected. We started out great, but after I scared myself by setting my oven mitt slightly on fire (I didn't tell my sisters lest they freak out), dropping a tray of freshly sprinkled cookies on the floor, and then burning the last batch that was supposed to replace said freshly sprinkled cookies, it was exhausting. Needless to say, I laid down for a nap after they went home, haha! I kept the burnt cookies as well as the Star Trek ones I made with my new set of cookie cutters my friend made with his 3D printer. I ended up with a few extra combadges as my sister made some for John specifically which I thought was adorable. Strangely enough, my Star Trek cookies were in the oven when I burned the last batch yet they baked fine, and had to stay in longer than the ones that were burning! Go figure....

All this to say, the cookies are now a beautiful sight after that slightly disastrous baking experience. I think they had fun though. :)

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

December Photo-A-Day - Day 11


Before I left for bible study this morning, I was admiring the icicles that had formed on the bush next to the front door. They were so shimmery I had to take a picture. I've always been fascinated by icicles especially when they form on bushes and trees. It made me stop and smile as I started my day. 😊

Monday, December 10, 2018

December Photo-A-Day - Day 10

"Wrapping Paper"

I've already posted about wrapping paper! Oh well.... Today I had to pull it out to wrap a few things. The two gifts shown are for a "white elephant gift exchange" with our Church's youth group on Saturday. The one not shown went to my family today to celebrate my sister's adoption day! I gave her a devotional and a notebook. (She can never have too many notebooks. You could give her one for every holiday, and she'd love it lol!) While writing this, I have a niggling feeling that I forgot to wrap something today, but since I have no idea what, I shall ignore it and wrap up my evening. (Pun intended.... 😉)

Sunday, December 9, 2018

December Photo-A-Day - Day 9

"Something You're Reading"

Well, I'm not reading any of these at the moment. But I need to pick them up so I can return them before the holidays. I've been trying to keep my library book stash down so I don't have to return them before I read them. The top two books are a part of a kids' series I've been reading through, the middle one is the newest installment in one of my favorite author's series, and the last two are about Doris Day and music from that era. I believe I have a couple other books lying around but I'm not sure where....

December Photo-A-Day - Day 8


I went to a luncheon with my neighbors at their church yesterday. It was a lot of fun! We made this ornament to take home for our tree. I thought mine turned out pretty good! It was nice to get out but it definitely wore me out, hence I didn't post this yesterday. I ended up going to bed with a horrible headache but it seems to have gone away over the course of today. Thank goodness!

Friday, December 7, 2018

December Photo-A-Day - Day 7


For most of the day, I just have the Christmas tree lights on. They are so beautiful that I can't resist them. They are the first thing I turn on in the morning and the last thing I turn off. (For the most sounds better if I say it that way though. 😉) The color is a bit warmer than the picture shows, so it makes our apartment feel more homey. Not to mention, the remnants of our little visitor here and there add to the ambiance. Blocks, Go Fish, and Dominoes all loved and enjoyed the past couple days. It was fun having a little buddy around. Made me look forward to the future!

Thursday, December 6, 2018

December Photo-A-Day - Day 6


I stayed home most of the day except to go out to a Christmas program this evening. So, I personally, didn't do any shopping. But, my sweet John did! After being sick yesterday, I took it easy this morning with what I ate. By afternoon, I was starving! And desperately wanted hot mozzarella sticks! Now I have mozzarella, but I don't have all the ingredients to make them. So John went out and got some for me. I was so thankful he did! It filled and warmed me. He offered to finish any I didn't eat, but I selfishly ate them all. 😉 Maybe next time, I'll share.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

December Photo-A-Day - Day 5

"Today's Temperature"

When John stopped in between jobs, it was 16* according to his car thermometer. I believe it got a little warmer as the day progressed but not by much. I don't have a thermometer, unless you count meat thermometer, so I decided to use the dominoes to display the temperature. I realized when my little bestie pulled them out of the game cupboard yesterday that they were the very same ones I discovered as a kid at my Great Grandparents.

I remember being at their house one afternoon. I was poking around the spare bedroom, looking for something new to do, when I found a treasure! Dominoes! Great Grandpa and I pulled them out and played with them. It was sweet to see it happen all over again when she found them while looking for something new to do in the game cupboard. They've become her favorite thing to play today and we even used them for her math homework. All in all, good for a quiet needed day at home. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

December Photo-A-Day - Day 4


Bonus photo today. I couldn't decide which one to put up. My bestie is here to hang out for a couple days, and she brought Rumples and Moruse with her. (Yes that's how her, the moose, spells her name. I looked it up!) We had a riveting time playing dominoes, marbles (my bestie won!), mancala, and go fish. In the evening, we watched "The Muppet Christmas Carol (she brought it at my request) and John read the Nutcracker to her for a bedtime story. She brings me joy with her wit, smile, and aptitude on life. She didn't know she'd be spending a few days at my house until last night, so this was a complete and joyous surprise for her. 😊 As I was telling someone, I'm going to enjoy having her company the next few days!

Monday, December 3, 2018

December Photo-A-Day - Day 3


When I bought wrapping paper, I tried to get a nice varied selection. I like having different colored presents under the tree! The other day though, I realized 3 out of the 4 rolls of wrapping paper are red-based! Oops! I've been making a better effort to not exclude my green wrapping paper now. It just gives more pizzazz under the tree. 

A Christmas miracle...I had been looking at a gift for John for his birthday this year. When I went to get it, it was sold out! I was disappointed, but told him I'd keep it a secret in case I could find it for Christmas. Well, I couldn't. Which was really annoying. Finally I found it on Amazon, but I wasn't sure how to order it without it popping up as a suggested item or a notification about it being sent! I just set it on the back burner in my head to wait on and figure out. When picking up a present I had ordered for my dad, we were walking around the mall, and I found the present! I was so excited! Once we left the store, I explained to him that I had spotted it again so he went off while I went back in. It was the last one. I couldn't believe it. If he doesn't like it, oh well! Haha! He picked up the wrapped box today and is now extremely puzzled due to the small size and great heft to it. Mission accomplished!

Sunday, December 2, 2018

December Photo-A-Day - Day 2

"Favorite Holiday Movie"

Thanks to my Mom for snapping a picture of it since I don't own a copy of it yet. 😊 I couldn't narrow it down very well, but when John mentioned it, I had to agree. (He is great for conferring with when I can't decide!) This is probably my favorite version of "A Christmas Carol". Aside from the book that is. I like it as it isn't as "scary" as some versions are. Although Gonzo here has a point:

Rizzo the Rat: Boy, that's scary stuff! Should we be worried about the kids in the audience?
Gonzo: Nah, it's all right. This is culture!

Saturday, December 1, 2018

December Photo-A-Day - Day 1

I decided to keep going as it's been nice blogging regularly. 😊

"Your View Today"

Or better titled, "Your View Tonight". This evening John took me out so I could get some groceries and Christmas shop. He stayed in the car so I could get a couple presents for him. It worked well that he did as it was raining so I got curbside service!! I ended up finding a gift I had been looking at online so I got that instead of what I was originally going in for (and it was less expensive. I'm cheap sometimes.😉 ) After that we went to the other store and I couldn't resist baby things any longer. So I got a few presents for him to open on the baby's behalf as well as a couple presents from the baby to him. Came home and wrapped it all up! Made for a fun evening!

Friday, November 30, 2018

November Photo-A-Day - Day 30

"Funny Face"

I thought this was apropos for today!💜 It made me think of this song from the Gershwins' song "Funny Face" sung by Fred Astaire to Audrey Hepburn. The part I highlighted in bold especially. 💜

Frankly Dear, your modesty reveals to me
Self-appraisal often makes me sad
And if I add your funny face appeals to me
Please don't think I've suddenly gone mad

You've got all the qualities of Peter Pan
I'd look far before I'd find a sweeter pan

I love your funny face
Your sunny, funny face
Though you're a cutie
With more than beauty
You've got a lot of
Personal-i-ty for me

You fill the air with smiles
For miles and miles and miles
Though you're no Mona Lisa
For world's I'd not replace
Your sunny-- funny face

I love your funny face
Your sunny-- funny face
You're not exotic
But so hypnotic
You're much-- too much
If you can cook
The way you look

I'd swim the ocean wide
Just to have you by my side
Though you're no Queen of Sheba
For world's I'd not replace
Your sunny-- funny face.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

November Photo-A-Day - Day 29

"Something Orange"

Everything in my house feels like it is red or green right now for Christmas! While thinking about orange, I noticed the roof of my "gingerbread house" ornament was orange. I have a few of these ornaments, houses and gingerbread people. My Mom and I made them when I was younger. I got to take them with me for my tree. I have a lot of gingerbread themed items on my tree, along with some cinnamon ornaments I must have made at some point that look like gingerbread as well. Kinda neat seeing all the various ornaments I've made and collected over the years. One of these days I'll share the wooden ones I found during out honeymoon to celebrate our marriage! They are quite beautiful!

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

November Photo-A-Day - Day 28

"A Wave"

This was a sweet gift from a lady at church for our wedding. I hung it in the bathroom as a daily reminder to pray. Even when the waves are still or rough.

"I said a prayer for you today 
And know God must have heard. 
I felt the answer in my heart, 
Although He spoke no word.

I didn’t ask for wealth or fame 
I knew you wouldn’t mind. 
I asked Him to send treasures 
Of a far more lasting kind.

I asked that He be near you
At the start of each new day 
To grant you health and blessings
And friends to share your way.

I asked for happiness for you 
in all things great and small, 
But it was for His loving care 
I prayed the most of all. "

-Author Unknown

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

November Photo-A-Day - Day 27

"A Dozen"

Looking around the apartment, I tried to figure out what I have that was a dozen. I didn't have a full carton of eggs, or a dozen of anything other than maybe books. I looked over at the window sill and saw "The 12 Days of Christmas". They are celebrated from Christmas to Three Kings Day which is January 6th. Over the summer when we decorated for Christmas for John's birthday, I had them on our table. This time I decided to put them on the window sill. Every time I see them, it makes me smile. You can see in the window to the right the snow-laden branch outside our window. Snow didn't start to accumulate until 2-3pm today. Now everything is covered in a thick blanket. I just checked and Harold's tree is almost unrecognizable! I'm glad for the snow though. I discovered that there is a pond that forms when everything melts off in the woods behind the house. And there is a long puddle that forms in the yard behind the apartment as well. Hoping the next warm-up will be a bit more gradual so the water can disperse better. :)

Monday, November 26, 2018

November Photo-A-Day - Day 26

"In the Fridge"

If our fridge looks empty, it's because we've been opting for non-perishable foods and frozen foods. I'd hate to waste perishable foods if I'm not feeling well. Besides, pregnant women live on pickles, right? 😉

Sunday, November 25, 2018

November Photo-A-Day - Day 25

"Something Metallic"

Christmas is exactly one month away! It's coming soon! The house smells amazing, the white lights are growing on John, and our multi-color lights are half dead. A little annoying, but at least they were only draped over the window. I was trying to think of something metallic to take a picture of today. My brain is gone from the past few long days. I was switching a couple ornaments on the tree to free up a congested tree branch when I saw this ornament! I didn't remember it as John put it on the tree while I stopped to eat a snack the other day. (There is something to be mulled over when food is more important than Christmas to me for a change....) It was a good reminder of why we are celebrating this upcoming season! It makes me think of "The Christmas Box" by Richard Paul Evans, particularly the one quote in the movie:

"What was the first gift of Christmas?"
"A tie?"

And then he learns the following:
(excerpt from the book but also in the movie)

“The first gift of Christmas was love. A parent's love. Pure as the first snows of Christmas. For God so loved His children that He sent His son, that someday we might return to Him.” 

Saturday, November 24, 2018

November Photo-A-Day - Day 24

"A Sign"

I got this sign at Bailiwick last year around Christmas time. I fell in love with it and have kept it up year round in our apartment. It's good to look for something wonderful happening throughout the year. Whether it's as simple as a flower or miraculous as something God is doing in your life. Keep your eyes open! Christmas isn't the only "wonderful time of the year"!

Friday, November 23, 2018

November Photo-A-Day - Day 23


We got our Christmas tree today! My sister-in-law came with us, "to be a tie breaker" if necessary. Turns out, she's a great tree finder. We wandered around the tree farm for a while, and then finally found this beauty. To give credit where it's due, she found it! It's so large and fluffy! We even had to trim the top when we got home. I love it! The house now smells heavenly...nothing beats the scent of a fresh pine tree!

Thursday, November 22, 2018

November Photo-A-Day - Day 22

"Thankful for..."

~ I'm thankful for my hubby and the time we got to spend together today! It's nice when he has a day off and we don't have to rush somewhere.
~ I'm thankful for the little life inside me and the fact we get to meet the little bugger tomorrow! (Our first ultrasound!)
~ I'm thankful for the family we are becoming and for the family we got to be with today. And all the family we couldn't make it to see!

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

November Photo-A-Day - Day 21


Bagels with cream cheese have been my breakfast the past few days. It's been nice to enjoy my normal breakfast again! I mean, Cheezits were great and all, but bagels with cream cheese are way better! Perfect way to fuel a blustery day. I was happily surprised to cross everything off my to-do list today. I mean, motivation to be prepared for Friday to get a tree is pretty good. If you can't tell, we are excited for that!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

November Photo-A-Day - Day 20

"Framed by a Doorway"

Breaking news! This lovely hubby of mine has had his "mugshots" taken in the doorway today. He went out for some cheese dip and tortilla chips (I've been loving them the past couple days). When he returned and made his dinner, I caught him eating my beloved cheese dip and tortilla chips! He is under wifey arrest for the snatching of precious commodities and deliciousness. He was required to wash the dishes in order to be pardoned. And now, other breaking news.... 😉

Monday, November 19, 2018

November Photo-A-Day - Day 19


I love walking around the library at night. The lights aren't as bright, there is a peace over the place, and sometimes I find some really great things! I didn't allow myself to get any books out today as my pile is knee high here at home, but I did wander down a few aisles just because. If I see something I want to read, sometimes I'll take a picture of it or write down the author so I can find it again. It was nice to get out this evening after I sat down for what I thought would be 20 minutes straightening my craft supplies next to the recliner. I decided to wind up some yarn since it was mostly used and it ended up taking 3hrs to salvage. Now I have yet another to salvage. Yeesh, new yarn seems to be more tangled every time I get it. I'm hoping to finish the project I have going on it so it'll be easier to detangle. 😊

Sunday, November 18, 2018

November Photo-A-Day - Day 18


I took a nearly identical picture the other day, but by the time I woke up from my nap, daylight was almost gone so I snapped this picture before it was. The tree circled is a special tree outside. I'm pretty sure it is a walnut tree, but that's not why it's special. There is a little red squirrel that loves this tree. If it isn't snowing, he is usually on the tree's branches or underneath eating. Occasionally I'll see him on the tree on the far left, but I'm pretty sure this one is his favorite. Last week before the snow fell, I watched him bury a nut next to the base. I named him Harold. It's fun to keep an eye out for him. He is definitely a fair-weather fur-ball!

Saturday, November 17, 2018

November Photo-A-Day - Day 17

"The Number 3"

I couldn't think of anything interesting that was the actual number 3, so when I saw that I had three stamps left on this book after mailing some things today, I decided to take a picture of it. I was very happy to get a large task completed today so when lunch came around, I celebrated with strawberries. I have a feeling John might need to get some more on Monday. 😉

Friday, November 16, 2018

November Photo-A-Day - Day 16

"Through the Glass"

When I first woke up around 7:40am, I debated about checking school closings. When I did, I was ecstatic to see that John only had his morning job today! Snow day with the hubby! It was great. We watched "The Christmas Box" and "The Timepiece", he brought home strawberries from work (and I've single-handedly eaten half of), and went out in the snow for a walk! That was great. We went on a long walk around our corner of Bville until my ears got cold cause I forgot a hat. Then we walked back and began a snowball fight! We ended up sitting in a snowbank chatting for a while until he began to get cold (Surprisingly my skirt was the only thing that got wet. My leggings stayed dry!) and we headed in. All in all, a great snow day! And by the way, no one told me that marriage was as great as being able to pelt each other with things in public...aka...snowballs! 😉