Saturday, July 20, 2019

One Month Old!

One month old!!

"Ah!! The camera!!"

"Shall we dance?"


"Oh hi, Mom!"

"Starfleet Acceptance Photo"

"Aww, mom, you keep calling me cute."

"I accept that I am, though."

 Our little adventurer still has a lot more adventures to be had in the months and years ahead. I can't believe it has already been a month! 💙 He is now 9lbs, 10oz. Growing fast!

Saturday, July 13, 2019

First "Camping" Trip!

"Hmm, what should we do today?"

Off on an adventure!

Snuggling by the lake with mama. 💙

Just before the sunset...

...and right after.

He slept really well!

Peering out in the early morning.

Breakfast by the water.

Saying goodbye to the lake!

Someone didn't want to let go of daddy's hand before he left for work. 💙

Thursday, July 11, 2019

3 Week Update!

3 weeks old today! He's definitely growing curious about the world around him. He loves windows, whether at home or in the car.

Those eyes!

Tummy time.

Mama's little tough guy!

Time is definitely flying, and I have a love/hate for it. He's gone from looking like a newborn baby to looking like a little baby boy. We did laundry yesterday and I'm wondering how many of the onesies he'll be able to wear again, and if so, for how much longer? His cord stump fell off last Saturday; another sign that's he getting bigger. All in all, I'm soaking in all the attention he wants. We love our little buddy! 💙

Friday, July 5, 2019

2 Week Update

He's already 2 weeks old! My current goal is to enjoy as many snuggles as possible with him so small still.

He's been doing tummy time, and enjoys it! Except when he's ready to eat, in which case he doesn't.

One of my favorite onesies on him.

The 4th of July was fun! We watched fireworks on the 3rd with our friends and neighbors, then had a picnic with them on the 4th. He loved the fireworks but was fussy with the heat the past couple days.

My favorite sleeper that I have for him! He will probably never wear it, and only wore it for 2 minutes for me to take a picture of him in it, but gosh it's adorable. Again, it's been hot recently.

One of my favorite pairs of socks he has.

His eyes!! Gosh, I can look into them forever. Just like when I look into his daddy's.

After a fussy evening last night, he finally fell asleep hugging me. He's such a sweetheart. He sleeps really well at night, so I can't complain. Best thing I've learned the past couple weeks that we've wanted to start from the very beginning is to keep our marriage priority #1. It keeps us grounded focused, working together, and man, I love John more than I ever have. I am so thankful for his help the past couple weeks. All the glory of our pregnancy, labor, and past two weeks go to God. If it weren't for Him, we'd be lost in this new adventure. Off to spend a bit of time with John before our little guy is ready for dinner!